Upgrade in performance with the 80 & 160m vertical

Update on the 80 & 160m combo vertical

Marc and Karel did some interesting tests with their combo vertical. The 80m part performed well in combination with the 160m vertical on one fiber pole. Next time the 160m portion will be handled. Marc uses a hairpin match to get the impedance right

60m band…..

We have just been informed that 60m is only allowed to work in SSB. We are trying to get a license to operate in FT8 & CW as well.

Testing Clublog with DXlog and MSHV

Link test Clublog - DXlog - MSHV

Today Marc, ON6CC did some tests with Clublog "live" in combination with DXlog and MSHV. All QSO's were imported automatically into DXlog and transferred to Clublog live. We did the test with the special event stations call (OP37EUDXF).... Hopefully we have a good WIFI link or 4G link for live internet in Grenada so you can see our live logupdates....

Testing the station setup

Station setup at Karel's place - 2 times TS590SG

Karel, ON5TN is testing out this setup:

  • 2 times TS590SG
  • Microham DXP interface
  • SPE Expert 1.5
  • DXlog software by 9A5K
  • BPF filters

The 8 channel RX splitter

The 8 channel RX splitter for 160/80 and 40 meter by K9AY

With this device it is possible to manage 3 bands with 8 different RX antennes

The pentaplexer

Patrick, ON4HIL testing out the Pentaplexer

Working on 5 bands with 5 radio's on 1 antenna? It's possible with this Pentaplexer from RA6LBS.

80m vertical up and running!


The 80m vertical was installed and tested at the QTH of Karel, ON5TN

Adding the 40m vertical….

Another fruitful day when it came to testing the antennas. Here the 40m vertical...also tested at high power

Testing the 30m vertical

The 30m vertical.... The vaseline did the trick for proper connections

18m DXcommander and 160m inv. V

Marc ON4MA and Karel, ON5TN doing some test with the 18m high Spider pole with the elements of the DX commander