The team has been formed...
We are proud to announce we have formed a great team with skilled operators who have experience in all aspects of managing a DXpedition. Most of us have already successfully completed several DXpeditions. We do our very best in trying to get everyone in the log, on as many bands and modes as possible. Since Grenada is high on the "wish" list as far as the lower bands are concerned, we will be QRV on 80m & 160m as wel, but we will also give the newcomers the chance to work us as an "ATNO". If a stable internet connection is available, we will be able to offer "Clublive log", so you can immediately see whether you are in the log or not. If this is not possible, we will upload the log at least on a daily basis. If you are not in the log, try again!
A DX expedition costs a lot of money and demands a lot from the team. Your support is therefore welcome to organize further expeditions. Click on the link below and support us. Don't forget to mention your CALLSIGN, Thank you!

One happy team
We did some interesting tests yesterday. One team did the testing on the radio's and the other half of the team did the additional antenne updates. It took the whole day to get it done. Now finally the packing can start. We decided to have the 160m and the 80m antenna separated from each other, to have full acces on both bands, knowing that the demand is high for 160m! Afterwards we had dinner together. We are ready to take this challenge, that's for sure!
If the button does not work for your country, please make a manual Paypal donation to our mail adres paypal at rockall.be. Don't forget to mention your CALLSIGN, thanks!
お住まいの国でボタンが機能しない場合は、rockall.be メール アドレス paypal に手動で Paypal 寄付を行ってください。コールサインを忘れずに記載してください。ありがとうございます。