Author's posts

News bulletin@Grenada… #2

The antenna for 60m is up and can be used. Yesterday, we were able to borrow a radio from one of the local amateurs. We needed some improvisation to make the station operational for digital modes, but we succeeded! Last night, one of the 3 linears malfunctioned. It’s not producing any power anymore. Unfortunately,  we …

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News bulletin@Grenada… #1

Yesterday, we set up the 160-meter vertical and further tuned the 80m vertical. They are standing. The noise level is extremely low here, which we did not expect. Yesterday evening, we were already QRV on 160m in CW. It seems that we hear better than you hear us because we have to repeat the call …

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We are QRV with 2 stations

Our flight went well. All our equipment had arrived. Yesterday we were able to install all antennas except for the 160m antenna. Unfortunately, there is one radio DOA. He no longer gives power. We looked into it but unfortunately didn’t find the error. Today we are going to try to get an extra radio so …

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We arrived at the Frankfurt airport…tomorrow we will leave for Grenada

We arrived at the Frankfurt (D) airport. Checked in the hotel and had a great time in the “Italian” restaurant. The final test was run with the PC combination we will use @ Grenada. We did a live test and all tests were successfully completed…. The final stage is coming soon, hihi…. The license came …

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Nice pictures taken from one of our houses

A few recent taken pictures of our QTH in Sauteurs reached us… I looks like a nice location to run from… The beach looks rather small but offers opportunities to put down some vertical antennas. More pictures can be found here

All our suitcases are packed!

Karel, ON5TN began with packing the suitcases… A total of 337 kg of gear was packed into different sizes of suitcases, bags and longue ski cases (spider poles).

Final Live Clublog test

Yesterday Filip, ON4FF and Marc ON6CC did the final test on the configuration of our 3 logging PC’s with Live Clublog. A 4th laptop will assist us in handeling or correcting the log updates. We are using a Raspberry Pi 4 to do the job + 1 spare if things fail. A Raspberry pi is …

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We are good for the DX Pedition Trophy 2024

The event was born in 2016 on the idea of some lovers of the Dx and Dx Pedition. The annual event (January 1st-December 31st) is to be ahead of the competition it self, a great party where many friends with the same Hobby from around the world join, and also want to be a way …

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Test – day at ON5TN

We did a RFI test in combination with all possible configurations of the frequencies between 1.8 and 28 MHz. Not all bands did react well and we had some finetuning to do. It was the first time we met with the full team.

Bjorn, ON9CFG our pilot station

Bjorn, ON9CFG will be our pilot throughout the DXpedition. Bjorn has been our main pilot in 2 other Dxpeditions in the past…. 9U4U and EP6T. If you have any questions related to the DXpedition please ask him…on9cfg at, thanks!